7.1.Definition of Token

This project consists of ALPHA NFT in the form of a security token and LQD token in the nature of a utility token.

LQD is a Utility Token used as a payment method for various services used on this platform and Governance Token of DAO. Investors who invest in various types of products, including digital assets, traditional financial products, or hybrid funds, are used as margin, settlement fees, and withdrawal fees. LQD is distributed through nodes that provide the infrastructure of this ecosystem, and by staking LQD, the voting rights of DAO can be delegated to Master Nodes. After the Node's token distribution is completed, this token will serve as a governance token.

7.1.1. List of Token on Liquid De-Fi ALPHA, BETA, META

TickerCriteriaPurposeTrading methodDescription


Security Token

The actual investment contract of each fund is set as collateral for this token.

Traded through Fund Market

In the case of maturity-type funds, upon maturity, the principal and proceeds are returned to the ALPHA holder in stablecoins such as USDC.


Utility Token

Token that provides liquidity to NFT funds and receives tokens as much as the supply and uses them as utilities.

Traded through DEX Protocol.

Regardless of the investment status of the fund, the staking interest rate is paid by a factor that equalizes the returns of all sectors, thereby stabilizing returns and reducing risks. Individual SM


Security Token

The actual investment contract of the crypto fund is set as collateral for this token.The actual investment contract of the crypto fund is set as collateral for this token.

Traded through Fund Market

Individual SMAs are opened and managed based on the investor's deposit time. LQD, iLQD

Ticker Criteria Purpose


Utility Token

It is issued through a node and is paid as a reward when depositing or staking Digital assets on Liquid Prime. There are also NFT items that mine LQD as a reward.

It is listed on the exchange, so there is a market price and real-time trading is possible.

It is a utility token and a governance token used for DAO decision making.



It is a token issued based on BTC deposited in the Liquidity Pool with Bitcoin (BTC).

Traded through DEX Protocol.

Wrapped LQD issued by Liquid Prime and exchanged in Liquid Prime's liquidity pool. iTOKENs



It is a token issued based on BTC deposited in the Liquidity Pool with Bitcoin (BTC).

Traded through DEX Protocol.

Wrapped BTC issued by Liquid Prime and exchanged in Liquid Prime's liquidity pool.



It is a token issued based on ETH deposited in the Liquidity Pool with Ethereum (ETH).

Traded through DEX Protocol.

Wrapped ETH issued by Liquid Prime and exchanged in Liquid Prime's liquidity pool.



issued based on SRM deposited in the Liquidity Pool with Serum (SRM).

Traded through DEX Protocol.

Wrapped SOL issued by Liquid Prime and exchanged in Liquid Prime's liquidity pool.



It is a token issued based on SRM deposited in the Liquidity Pool with Serum (SRM).

Traded through DEX Protocol.

Wrapped SRM issued by Liquid Prime and exchanged in Liquid Prime's liquidity pool.



USDC provided by Circle, and is a token issued based on the USDC deposited after opening the LP CDP (Collateral Debt Position).

Traded through DEX Protocol.v

Wrapped USDC issued by Liquid Prime and exchanged in Liquid Prime's liquidity pool.

Tokens are added after listening to community opinions and taking into account the growth of TVL.

7.1.2. iTOKEN

iTOKEN is a token provided to contributors who provided liquidity to Liquid Prime's Liquidity Pool, and an Identical Value Token that is exchanged at a fixed rate with the target asset that has provided liquidity is called iTOKEN.

In this iTOKE, BTC-based iBTC, SOL-based iSOL, and USDC-based iUSDC are operated, and will be added mainly to Solana-based projects in the future.

7.1.3. FlexShield Protocol(Flexible Yield v1.0)

Flexshield provides a standard for arbitrage traders' position selection of the asset through the liquidity ratio of Liquid Prime De-Fi products and the measurement factor of the currency's circulation speed. We provide an automated protocol to ensure the financial soundness of the platform by maintaining The interest rate factor to protect the financial soundness used at this time is the FlexShield Protocol.

The detailed protocol formula will be revealed later.

7.1.4. APM(Automated Treasury Manager)

Among Liquid Prime’s alpha fund products, derivative crypto funds such as multi-crypto mapping tokens and multi-hybrid mapping tokens are scheduled to be launched, which automatically determine the proportion of portfolios for crypto-mapping derivatives that have the same structure as ETFs in the stock market and spot market. The AI ​​/ ML-based Automated Treasury Manager will replace the tree manager in charge of rebalancing their portfolio.

Algorithm details will be disclosed in a future technical white paper.

Last updated